Texas Hold'em Poker Guide

If you have been playing poker for a while then you are probably familiar with basic poker strategy, such as odds and bluffing. However, if you want to really maximize your poker winnings then you'll want to familiarize yourself with some more advanced poker strategies.

Players that rely on basic strategy tend to focus solely on winning hands. Advanced players, on the other hand, focus on winning hands but also on maximizing the size of the pot by getting other players to put as much money in as possible. The best way to do this is by learning how to bluff and learning how to avoid giving away whether or not you have a strong or weak hand with common poker tells. As an example, if you've got an unbelievable hand and you are sure that you will win don't raise to the sky. This will only succeed in getting everyone else to fold before they've called your raise. Instead, raise only slightly or simply call to get the other players to put more money into the pot.

Another technique that signifies advanced over basic players is the ability to read the competition. This refers to basic tendencies that certain players have. For instance, loose players are likely to bluff frequently and tight players are likely to fold on anything that isn't a good hand. Players that look at their cards a lot generally have a weak hand, whereas players that look away with disinterest usually have a strong hand. Pay attention to your opponents and notice their behaviors and patterns and you can greatly improve your own strategy against these players. It is also important to do your best to avoid showing any sort of pattern to your opponents and being easy to read yourself!

Finally, one of the keys to advanced strategy is considering what hands your opponents may be holding. After all, even if you have a fantastic hand there is often a chance that someone else has one-upped you. Always consider all of the possible hands that your opponents could be holding on to. Taking this into consideration you can strategize much more effectively.

Follow these basic tips for advanced poker strategy and watch your winnings grow to new heights!