Texas Hold'em Poker Guide

One of the most effective strategies in poker is bluffing. However, if you are planning to bluff your way to a victory then you'll have to have a few tips and tricks up your sleeve. Bluffing is only effective when you know how to do it right. Keep reading for a few great poker bluffing tips that can help you increase your chances of winning big.

The first thing to keep in mind when it comes to bluffing is not to bluff too often. When you do, you risk blowing your cover. The best technique is to mix up your bluffing and avoid adopting a pattern that your opponents will be able to easily spot. Like "the boy who cried wolf", your opponents will pick up on it if you bluff consistently in the same situations. By the same token, it is important to pay attention to your opponents. If you can pick up on their bluffing patterns then you can develop a stronger strategy against them.

One of the best times to bluff is when someone may have a good hand, based on the cards that are showing. In a game of Texas Holdem, for instance, if three cards of the same suit are dealt then someone may have two more of the same suit for a flush. If you bet as if you have the flush then the other players may believe you and fold.

Bluffing is much more effective at tight tables than loose tables. At a tight table, you could get other players to fold by making a high raise that other loose players would match in a flash. It is advisable, especially if you are new to bluffing, to only bluff at tight tables until you get really good. Additionally, betting in high limit tables can be much more effective than bluffing in low limit games. In high limit and no limit tables you can bluff a good hand by making a huge raise in an attempt to get other players to fold. In a low limit game, the maximum bet is usually hardly worth the bluff.

When bluffing, it is important to have a strong knowledge of poker tells. When you know the tells that strong players typically look for you can do your best to prevent yourself from giving away your real hand with these tells. If you can avoid poker tells and bluff like a champ then you can easily increase your odds of winning in poker.