Texas Hold'em Poker Guide

One of the most exciting places to play poker is in a tournament setting. Whether you are playing in a live tournament in a casino or in a tournament in an online poker room, tournament play offers a thrill like nothing else. Part of the reason that tournament play is so exciting is that the stakes are high-winners can take home huge prize pots! However, playing tournament poker also requires a lot of skill, as it is usually the more advanced and knowledgeable players that enter tournament games. If you want to win in poker tournament play, read on for some tips that can help you build a flawless strategy.

One of the most effective strategies in poker is learning to read poker tells. Poker tells are little signs that your opponents give with their body language that can help you to determine whether or not they have a strong or weak hand and whether they play tight or loose. For instance, a player that stacks his chips neatly is likely to be a tighter player than one who spreads his chips, unorganized, over his portion of the table. Additionally, players that dwell on their cards for a long time generally have weaker hands than those who glance away quickly, feigning disinterest. If you can learn to read these tells, as well as prevent yourself from giving your hand away with your own body language, you can greatly increase your chances of winning at tournament poker.

In tournament play, it is also important to study up on poker odds. When you know which starting hands have the best odds and which have the worst then you will be able to decide whether or not to fold, call or raise much more effectively.

It is also important to note that you will have to change your strategy up a bit as you move forward in the tournament and your competition gets smaller and smaller. At the beginning of the tournament you will have the exact same number of chips as the rest of the tournament players. This is usually a lot of chips when compared to the stakes of the game, as usually early tournament stakes are much lower than the stakes later in the game. Therefore, take it easy in the early stages of tournament play. Only play good hands and hold on to your chips. After all, if you go all in at the beginning you risk losing it all!

As the tournament progresses and the stakes get higher, you won't be able to sit back and wait for great hands in every round. Therefore, in the middle stages of the tournament it's important to start taking more risks. Loosen up your game and you can knock some of the tighter players out. You will have been playing against many of the same opponents for a while now and you should be able to tell, from what you've observed early in the tournament, who you can bluff, who is strong and who is weak. In the middle stages of the tournament your goal should be to maximize the size of your stack by targeting the weak players.

If you make it to the final table of the tournament then your first task, if applicable, is to go after all of the players with smaller stacks than you and try to knock them out of the game. At this point, you should be playing as aggressively as possible, keeping on your poker face so that your opponents have no idea what's going on with your hand.

By learning to read poker tells, bluff effectively, understand poker odds and switching up your strategy you can greatly improve your chances of winning a poker tournament. However, in tournament play one of the most important things to remember is to relax and just have fun!